Upcoming Performances for Fall 2015

Music: Jasmine Guffond – Somnabulant | Visuals: ilan Katin from ORANGE ‘EAR on Vimeo.
Rather surprised to be gigging a lot in Berlin these days.
October 26th, 2015: with Jasmine Guffond @ Madame Claude in Berlin.
November 11th, 2015: DUO with Boris Bell @ Acker Stadt Palast in Berlin.
November 28th, 2015: with Jasmine Guffond @ Antje Oekelsund in Berlin.
December 19th, 2015: with Jasmine Guffond @ Spektrum in Berlin.
February 10th, 2016: with 3ell (Boris Bell and band) CD release concert @ Die Wabe in Berlin.
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